Quartz: The perfect choice for long journeys
Long trips put your engine to the test—constant high-speed driving, extended hours on the road, and varying temperatures can lead to wear and oil degradation. A high-quality engine oil is essential to ensure smooth performance, optimal protection, and fuel efficiency throughout the journey.

Enjoy 30% OFF on your next oil change! Use promo code TOTALID30 at checkout and experience the performance of Quartz on your long trips. Click the link below to claim your special offer before it’s gone!
5 stars reviews on Shopee
Suara mesin halus, tarikan sangat responsive
Mesin jadi halus dan tahan 10k km
Orderan ke 2 disini, selalu memuaskan emang. Packing super aman terbaiklah sukses terus ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Quartz with Age Resistance Technology provides ultimate protection against mechanical wear or extreme temperatures, and outstanding engine performance throughout its lifespan, even under frequent stop and start conditions.
* When dedicated “Fuel Economy” products are used.
Shop now on TotalEnergies Official Shop
Shop at TotalEnergies Official Shop for guaranteed genuine Quartz engine oil, exclusive promotions, and the best protection for your engine. Don’t miss out and keep your car running at peak performance!