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05/02/2020 News


Flood is one of the most worrying incidents for any car owner. Staying indoors is preferable to avoid inundated areas, but certainly not always possible. 

As such, you may find yourself in a road that is prone to inundation and where turning back is not an option. There’s no other way but forward. Imagine the relief after you’re able to safely get through a flooded area. But now it’s your car that requires much attention after having to perform the strenuous task of carrying you over while being partially submerged. 

1. Dry all parts of the car

To prevent damage, you’ll want to completely dry all parts – especially parts in the ignition system from the spark plug, alternator, air filter, coil, to cables. This is something you can do yourself using a hair dryer. Afterward, check whether the system works well to avoid breaking down in the middle of driving.

2. Replace oil

A car’s engine is essentially designed to be watertight and protected by heat-resistant sealant. In the case of flooding, by design, it is unlikely that water permeates the engine. However, if the car has experienced overheating in the past, water breach becomes possible. Overheating causes the engine jacket to bend, therefore increasing the risk of water leaking to the combustion chamber.


Water may also enter through the air intake, and this is the most common cause of a car breaking down. Take the car’s dip stick and check your oil condition. You’ll know that water has contaminated oil if the oil’s color changes to brownish. At this stage, the only option is to get your engine and transmission gear oil replaced.

3. Empty the fuel tank

The fuel tank may also be a source of a problem, as water may seep through. Fuel won’t work well with water, and you may experience other problems. If the thank goes unchecked for too long after flooding, rust may start to appear and corrode the tank’s interior – the main cause of fuel leak and the reason why emptying your fuel tank after being flooded is very important.

4. Remove battery cables

Not only road flooding, your car may also get trapped in the water when parked. Immediately remove the battery cables to avoid short circuit and damage to the car’s electrical components.
While these four steps can generally be done at home, never hesitate to bring your car to a repair shop if you feel more comfortable to do so, or if the car exhibits serious problems. The shop’s mechanics should know the appropriate treatment your car needs after it braves flood.