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04/12/2017 News


How often do you need to refuel your car? Once a week? Twice a week? Or do you leave your car at home at the end of a month because it’s your wallet now that needs refueling? We understand your concerns and that is why we have compiled for you 10 tips that you can easily follow to improve your fuel economy:

  1. Avoid applying gas when you are starting your car

    Thanks to modern technology, we no longer need to press the accelerator to start our car. So, keep that foot away! If you are driving a diesel car, wait several seconds before you start moving the clutch.

  2. Always start with the first gear

    Start with the first gear at the beginning of your journey; shift to gear number two as you gradually increase your speed.

  3. Switch gears at the right moment

    Never let your laziness get in the way of switching gears! Fuel is consumed more efficiently when the engine is running at higher-numbered gears, so always use them as far as possible. Ideally, you switch to the third gear once your speedometer hits 30 km/hour, the fourth gear at 40 km/hour, the fifth gear at 50 km/hour, and, if your car has it, the sixth gear at 60 km/hour.

  4. Go easy on the accelerator

    The more forceful you are with the accelerator, the more fuel your car consumes. Step on the pedal to just around three-quarter of your force.

  5. Use cruise control feature appropriately

    Your car may come equipped with the cruise control feature, but it should only be used at certain moments. Cruise control is in fact inappropriate for in-city driving or hilly routes that involve multiple descent and ascent sections, especially if using it means you’re not keeping a careful watch on the road. In addition, it actually causes inefficient fuel consumption.

  6. Stop switching repeatedly between gas and brake

    Hitting the brake and gas continuously in turn and for multiple times can drain your fuel more quickly. To avoid it, maintain your speed. You can do this even when you’re stuck in traffic by keeping a reasonable distance between you and the driver ahead.

  7. Gradual increase of speed

    Avoid rapidly accelerating your car from a stationary position, as it will not only demand more fuel consumption but also make your tires wear faster. Press the accelerator smoothly so that your car will only consume the fuel it needs to get to its cruising speed.

  8. Pay attention to the road

    By paying enough attention and be more aware of road condition, you will be able to better anticipate your driving decisions and avoid sudden acceleration or braking—which will only lower your fuel efficiency and wear your brake. To give yourself enough time to calculate the situation, keep a distance equal to one or two cars between you and the traffic ahead.

  9. Ease slowly off the accelerator

    When you need to lower your speed or stop your car, do it slowly and gradually. Ease off the accelerator gently, let the car roll and gradually apply the brake and switch to lower-numbered gears.

  10. Shut down engine when idle for over 1 minute

    Your car consumes 0.5 to 0.7 liter of fuel every hour. To save, turn off your engine when your car is idle for more than 1 minute. In traffic, turn the ignition off to avoid bad engine starting.